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Kentucky Libraries Unbound / Libby

Powered by OverDrive. Read eBooks and magazines or listen to audiobooks on your computer or mobile device.

Apps: iOS | Android | Kindle Fire | Libby App for Desktop

Help: Watch the Libby tutorial on Niche Academy.

Freegal Music

Download up to 5 songs a week or stream an unlimited amount.

Apps: iOS | Android

Help: Watch the Freegal tutorial on Niche Academy.

Hoopla Digital

Enjoy eBooks, comics, audiobooks, music, and movies on your computer or mobile device.

Apps: iOS | Android | Kindle Fire

Help: Watch the Hoopla tutorial on Niche Academy.


Stream over 30,000 classic and indie movies and documentaries to your computer or mobile device. Sign up to get started.

Apps: iOS | Android | Kindle Fire | Fire TV | Roku

Help: Watch the Kanopy tutorial on Niche Academy.

The Great Courses Library Collection

Get full access to video courses taught by the world’s top professors. To get started, sign up to Kanopy with your library card. (Great Courses videos do not count toward your Kanopy play credits.)

Apps: iOS | Android | Kindle Fire | Fire TV | Roku

Biblioboard Library

Read eBooks from indie and self-published authors or submit your eBook to the Indie Author Project.

eBooks submitted to the Indie Author Project are vetted by Biblioboard’s professional editorial partners to ensure all accepted titles comply with Biblioboard’s criteria for inclusion.

Apps: iOS I Android I Kindle Fire


Read, watch or listen with no delays and unlimited access. Scroll through a graphic novel on an iPad, read a classic novel on a computer, or listen to an audiobook on a smartphone!


An online collection of TumbleBooks—animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading. To login from home, enter your library card number.

Apps: iOS | Android

Help: Watch the TumbleBooks tutorial on Niche Academy.