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Find a Book You Love (for Books & Bites Bingo) with NoveList Plus

One of the prompts in the Books & Bites Bingo reading challenge is to read a book you found on NoveList.

NoveList Plus helps readers of all ages find books that match their reading levels and interests. Get book recommendations from the experts–librarians!

With NoveList Plus, you can:

  • Find books in a series
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  • Look up authors or books you’ve enjoyed to find other books you may like
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Find books for Books & Bites Bingo

For the NoveList bingo square, you can read whatever book you find that sounds good to you. But NoveList can help you find books for other bingo squares.

For example, browse Afrofantasy in the Recommended Reads Lists:

Screen shot of NoveList Plus showing a list of Afrofantasy book covers.

Or search for books by Indigenous authors. Enter “own voices” indigenous in the keyword search box, as shown in the image below.

Screen shot of NoveList keyword search: "own voices" indigenous.

NoveList uses the phrase “own voices” to describe books about underrepresented or marginalized characters whose authors share the same identity. Putting own voices in quotes tells the database to look for both words together.

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